
The new school year begins at the Rafa Nadal Foundation Centers in Palma and Valencia, with strengthened attention to vulnerable children and families

The Rafa Nadal Foundation Centers have started the new school year this week, opening its doors to children who are in vulnerable situations: 180 in Mallorca and 50 in Valencia. Due to the Covid-19 crisis, the centers have adjusted their activities to the recent needs and have reinforced the attention towards the children and young and their families.

Regarding the center in Valencia, a new sector of assistance has been added to the social-educational and sports sectors that were already functioning: psychotherapy. This way, it will be possible to meet the needs that are directly related to the emotional and psychological aspects of the children and families who are assisted in the center.

At the same time, the number of professionals —educators, sports technicians, psychologists, and social workers— has been increased in both centers, with the aim of assisting a larger number of beneficiaries, and therefore have an effect on the different areas at an individualized level.

This enhancement of action has been possible thanks to the recent donation made by Endesa, addressed to help the children and families whose situation has been aggravated by the Covid-19 crisis.