Play All
“Play All” was created with the aim of promoting positive values among children through the regular practice of tennis.
The groups where the “Play All” Project is developed are located in vulnerable areas of the city of Barcelona.
The project is located in neighborhoods that present a series of social problems related to the deterioration of infrastructure, the low socioeconomic level of families and the increase in the immigrant population with great lack of access to normalized resources, such as sports, in this case tennis..
The main objective of this new project, which is being carried out thanks to the alliance with Nike and the collaboration of the Fundació Tennis Barcelona, is to accompany minors through regular tennis training and use this sport as a tool to transmit four positive values: sportsmanship, commitment, companionship and effort.
The Play All project has as direct beneficiaries the group of children and adolescents between the ages of 6 and 16 who are in a situation of social vulnerability.
We work with the aim of providing access to tennis to those minors who would have difficulty practicing this sport. Through training, we work with the beneficiaries on four important values both on and off the court.
Impact on the environment
Our work has a direct impact on the environment where the activities are carried out and we contribute to the well-being of its inhabitants by offering them an educational and healthy leisure alternative.
Zona Franca
From 2022
Zona Franca, Barcelona
+40 boys and girls each course
El Raval
From 2022
El Raval, Barcelona
+20 boys and girls each course
El Carmel
From 2022
El Carmel, Barcelona
+15 boys and girls each course
Vall d’Hebrón
From 2022
Vall d’Hebrón, Barcelona
+30 boys and girls each course